Tuesday, February 21, 2006
` Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Strangely, there isn't an overwhelmingly strong desire to celebrate nor whinge about getting a year older this time round.
Perhaps I'm only starting at this slightly over-ripe age to accept adulthood. Perhaps it's just that I have been leading such a blessed life till now that it's hard not to feel contented, despite the frequent negative rantings. Or perhaps I'm just starting to see how positive the future can be with what I have at this moment in my life. I can't put a finger to how it all seems to culminate into a stronger sense of well-being.
Or just maybe I'm finally embracing maturity with forced open arms. It's time to start spouting age-isms to the young 'uns and to preach the virtues of reaping what you sow.
Nah. Maybe I can do that when I hit the big 3-O.